Star Citizen

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that is actually a tough question to answer Bezrider. i know some things we will do but not everything. we will mine ore and trade like EVE online, but not all player driven like EVE. we will have Subsumption AI as they are calling it, so all NPC's are persistant and have lives like you find in Skyrim,only instead of a few hundred, CIG says they can make millions of AI. they are going for a 10:1 ratio of AI to player so players wont be able to make a major impact on the economy like in EVE.

exploration. we are supposed to have over 100 systems at launch, exact number unknown as some are not discovered yet. all planets are done with the procedural artistry shown in the above video. they say we will have things like solid diamond planets to jet black gas giants. we will not lack for things to look at and explore.

politics and war. there are 5 alien factions, earth, Vaanduul, Banu, Xi'an, and Tevarin. all the aliens are AI,for now, so the only PvP you will see will be in the earth forces, Organizations (guilds), outlaws and other player vs player behavior.

we will have player made bases and habitats on planets, complete with defensive weapons.

they are working on procedural cities at the moment, so 3.0 is still going to have us restricted to the planet Crusader, and only the three moons will be able to be landed on. they are using the moons to develop the tech needed for the planets, that will all be at 1/10 scale.

so i guess it will be a game of acquisition, kind of like TDU2.
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Karu62 wrote: Mon Jul 10, 2017 4:11 am that is actually a tough question to answer Bezrider. i know some things we will do but not everything. we will mine ore and trade like EVE online, but not all player driven like EVE. we will have Subsumption AI as they are calling it, so all NPC's are persistant and have lives like you find in Skyrim,only instead of a few hundred, CIG says they can make millions of AI. they are going for a 10:1 ratio of AI to player so players wont be able to make a major impact on the economy like in EVE.

exploration. we are supposed to have over 100 systems at launch, exact number unknown as some are not discovered yet. all planets are done with the procedural artistry shown in the above video. they say we will have things like solid diamond planets to jet black gas giants. we will not lack for things to look at and explore.

politics and war. there are 5 alien factions, earth, Vaanduul, Banu, Xi'an, and Tevarin. all the aliens are AI,for now, so the only PvP you will see will be in the earth forces, Organizations (guilds), outlaws and other player vs player behavior.

we will have player made bases and habitats on planets, complete with defensive weapons.

they are working on procedural cities at the moment, so 3.0 is still going to have us restricted to the planet Crusader, and only the three moons will be able to be landed on. they are using the moons to develop the tech needed for the planets, that will all be at 1/10 scale.

so i guess it will be a game of acquisition, kind of like TDU2.
Thanks for the answers, the main reason i am asking about single player is that my gaming time is limited at the moment so i tend to grab short bursts when i can.

This is why (if i decide to buy this game) i don't want to join a faction or group and let them down by not turning up very often due to limited game time but on the other hand if it has a decent single player element to it then i can just jump in and out as and when i have the time. ;)
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there will be a single player game called Squadron 42 set in the Star Citizen universe. Bishops Speech video (above) is for Squadron 42.

there is very little information on Squadron 42, they dont want any spoilers so we only get tiny bits of info.

here is a video where a dev talks about the Idris capitol ship where the story takes place.

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Karu62 wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:26 pm there will be a single player game called Squadron 42 set in the Star Citizen universe. Bishops Speech video (above) is for Squadron 42.

there is very little information on Squadron 42, they dont want any spoilers so we only get tiny bits of info.

here is a video where a dev talks about the Idris capitol ship where the story takes place.

Interesting :think:
Thanks for all the info, just purchased all of the Bioshock games (again) so once i get bored of those i will look into getting this. :D
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this week is an important episode of Around the Verse. last week they announced the first 4 wheeled ground Vehicle, this week they do an interview on it.

after the Cyclone segment there is an important segment on persistence in the universe. it has alot of tech talk and some code being written if you like that stuff.

jump to 14:20

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i never really looked at the production schedule page before and didn't realize how detailed the information is.

Chris kept trying to give dates on stuff and people would fuss when they weren't met. he decided to have the team make a schedule link that updates every few days.

it shows what Star Citizen is, everything that is in it, and far along they are.
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Looks like 3.0 is delayed again
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one of the things i like about Star Citizen is how they are explaining the development process in the talk show Around the Verse. it is fascinating to learn the nuts and bolts of game deveopment as it happens.
this weeks episode of Around the Verse covers AI tech. the simple act of sitting at a table and interacting with objects is complicated when programming AI.

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I just love my drak cutlas, had a spin around with ralph in the gunner seat and boy does it
pack a punch, now i only need a guy at the shields and power distribution seat and we can
get the most out of it.
I also own the avenger stalker (the 1 with the prison cells on it)
Just love this game. :2thumbsup:

Did you guy's know there is also a way to play offline?
just make a new link button with this line > "F:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public\Bin64\StarCitizen.exe" +map DFM_Crusader
F is the drive i got it installed on but replace that with whatever drive you have it installed too, works like a charm :rightthumbup:
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3.o has been out since Christmas. 3.1 went into Evocati last week for initial testing. late last night they released it to the PTU and sent out the first wave of invites so it will go live soon as everyone is reporting good performance.

to everyones surprise they have the Tumbril Cyclone ready and is in the PTU now. the basic physics are done but doesnt have any wheel support yet , its just an axis input for now.

here is a short video someone posted. take note this is not earth gravity but a moon, so it gets good air time.


there is a popular streamer named Sitarow that has a very nice video session of 3.1. along with the Cyclone is the new racing ship called the Razor.
i know you all like Formula one so i figured you might like this. the Razor is the Formula one in space.

there is some sweet Cyclone action at 2:20:00

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