Cyberpunk 2077

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Arise old thread! I created you and now I command you to rise again. Necromancers are fun, always digging up friends.

Ahem... I am still watching this game and looking forward to it, Nov. now. I have it on my GOG wish list. In the mean time, GOG has a freebie with artwork and stuff if you are interested. Need a GOG account but I would assume some do. You can download individual artworks or everything in one big package.
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This is probably going to be one of the biggest games to release this year if not the biggest.

I've seen lots of clips of the game and it doesn't disappoint.
Already on my wish list. :D
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I downloaded the package and some very cool looking screenshots plus game art and concept sketches. Never played the Witcher games since I have more than enough fantasy world games but the whole series is highly rated so I am hopeful this will be a very good game.
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Bez wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:03 am This is probably going to be one of the biggest games to release this year if not the biggest.

I've seen lots of clips of the game and it doesn't disappoint.
Already on my wish list. :D
From the recent gameplay footage I'v seen I have to say I'm a bit concerned about the AI behavior especially the hand-to-hand combat and gun play. It looks a bit clunky. As well as the voice acting and dialogue options seem to be like a beta placeholder. I'm glad they delayed this game twice to further polish the game. I can imagine if this was released in April :facepalm: thank God, or the shit storm they would get would be insane for such an overhyped game.

Don't get me wrong I am very much excited to play this game, I'v been longing for an awesome single player game since The Witcher 3 and Dragon Age Inquisition and I'm still confident CDProjekRed can deliver! They just need more time to Polish it ;) .
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Delayed again for 21 days :angry-banghead: :angry-tappingfoot:
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dpuff wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:56 am Delayed again for 21 days :angry-banghead: :angry-tappingfoot:
Read about that this morning and also they received death threats. I can think of a whole lot of people/organizations who are better deserving of death threats than a game developer.
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This is obviously a very large and complex game so even when it eventually comes out i think it will have a lot of bugs.

I am considering on getting it though, well that's if i ever get away from Satisfactory :mrgreen:
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I'm glad I didn't pre-order it. :D
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Well... *sigh* underwhelming. :|

In my humble opinion, Deus Ex Human Revolution and Mankind Divided had a much more immersive world of Human Cybernetic, Dystopian future, Character Development, and Story.

After 12.6 hours of gameplay time, Cyberpunk 2077 world, mostly "Night City" seems busy, dense, and bustling with life but that's just visual trickery, the NPC's walking around are just empty shells and hardly interactable. They are however highly diverse in terms of looking different from each other. I haven't encounter NPCs that looks the same so far. AI traffic just follows one path (if you block traffic they just stand there in traffic until the end of time). Character customization and car customization is severely lacking.

I could go on on what is missing and should be in a game like this but I'm just gonna leave it here... This game could use another solid year in development in my opinion. :(
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I haven't gotten it yet but have been watching some gameplay on Twitch and from what i have seen i am in no hurry to buy it. :|
Game looks good and seems to play ok but has way too much dialog in it for me, i expect lots of dialog in games like Baldur's Gate III but this is a first person shooter and in my opinion the dialog should be short and to the point :) yes i know it has to have a good story line it needs to be balanced along with the action of a FPS. :roll:

Wile watching on twitch a lot of the dialog seemed unnecessary, i get that it helps you to get immersed in the game more but for me it is off putting in an FPS game ( you don't get this in Far Cry :mrgreen: )

I may buy it one day but not yet. ;)
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