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In regards of the FIA decision, Max did drive full over the curbs. Also to avoid contact with Kimi. So technically the stewards will claim to be right as he did leave the track for a very short moment.
On the other hand, we have seen far worse "exceeding of track limits" during the whole weekend. Also during the race. And to make a snap decision like that, without proper investigation has to be biased.
Some say Connely makes these bad decisions. And not only about Max. So that guy has to go. For the sport and the fairness of the competition.
Jos Verstappen also had an opinion about it...
Christian Horner has made his statement and RBR will appeal the decision. ... gp-969261/

But even if they are right, the podium has been robbed. And that is just sad.
Kimi did deserve the podium. He drove a better race than Vettel did and gave up his position to help Vettel in his title bid. A real team player. Nothing against that. But Max got him fair and square. Kimi could not push as he had to save fuel and was on older tires.

But actions like Max has shown today is what makes F1 special. And if they take real racing away from the sport, what is left than? Cheergirls, Showbands and the worlds fastest runner? :lol:

Let's see what social media will bring later this evening. Especially from the real F1 champions. :party:

Edit; FIA website is down and twitter is one big bashing fest.
I think they deserve these vocal beatings, as they have made a lot of bad and inconsistent decisions the whole year. They ruin the sport and the fun for the spectators, drivers and teams that way. Something has to change there. Starting with some personnel mutations.

In addition to that, some TV stations have found many drivers doing similar stuff, including Sainz in exactly the same spot on Ocon.
The stewards are inconsistent and unfair to some drivers.
Also some funny tweets, like this one about Magnussen
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Feel sorry for Verstappen, that wasn't a fair ruling at all, and if it was then they need to judge everyone every time...

Not sure RedBull is letting this one go, FIA will have to answer for it.
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It appears they can not appeal this decision. Similar to drive through or stop and go penalties.

Max did leave the track with all 4 wheels. But was the only one who got punished for it. Maybe because it was for a podium position.
But the smell of a biased opinion hangs strongly in the air here. Connely has to go*.

This decision had to be made after carefull study of all footage and also with the hearing of Kimi, Max and others.
Max should have attended the podium.

But enough said. This is another sad story and especially in the US they will take the FIA apart. Even if they are technically right to give the 5 sec penalty.

Max was also "rewarded" with a point on his license for dangerous driving. I mean seriously... :roll:

*This steward Gary Connely has asked Lewis in the past to complain about Verstappen, so he could issue a penalty against him. Of course Lewis did not play that game. But it underlines that this person is biased and obviously has a strong voice with the stewards.
That guy has a grudge against Verstappen for some reason. He was also responsible for previous awkward situations when a podium was taken from Max in Mexico last season.

It is ridiculous that one single person can ruin a race result in that manner. :twocents-02cents:

This is what Niki Lauda had to say; ... ion-969285

CH4 Mark Webber is very clear as well :mrgreen:

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Toro Rosso has announced that their Mexican GP drivers will be Gasly and Hartley.

This implies that Kvyatt will be sacrificed again. How much can the Russian Torpedo take from them?
He did well in Austin and scored a valuable point. But somehow he can not do good with them anymore.

With Hartley and Gasly, Toro Rosso most likely have their line up for next season in play. They will have a couple of races to adjust to the team and will be well prepared for next season.

Maybe Kvyatt should send Vladimir Putin to Helmut Marko to convince him the old fashioned way to let him drive next year. :twisted:

I still think Kvyatt is the better driver of these three. But once the career spirals down, Red Bull can be harsh towards its drivers.
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talk about steward "sponsored" by fezza !!!
look back @ after the very first corner:
vettel goes way wider and longer out of the track,
and in doing so gets first place for some laps
if THAT's not getting an advantage !!! i'm lost for words :doh:
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Yes, Charlie Whiting has stated that Max did gain an advantage and others did not.

Not only is this not true, it is a deliberate distraction of what is really happening here.

As Whiting has mentioned before, they are the Police and the Stewards are the Judges.
If that is true, they will have to remove any biased Steward. You can not have prejudiced Judges when applying the rules.

Also Sainz made an excellent move on Perez in exactly the same spot, driving with 4 wheels next to the track in a similar manner.
Not to mention Bottas, who did a detour to Mexico and back, while keeping it floored and gaining an advantage. He did that twice, the one on Ricciardo was most obvious and he would have had to give that position back, but Ricciardo masterly overtook in the next corner Bottas overshot due to the higher speed, caused by that illegal detour. :roll:
And there are countless other examples, like Vettel gaining an advantage to take the lead.

Drivers will always look for every part of the track they can use to gain speed and keep momentum.
If they want to avoid these "adventurous lines", the circuit has to create higher curbs, astro turf outside the track limits and gravel pits.
The massive runoff areas are good for safety, but also do invite to drive over the (track) limits.

Unique view from Kimi's Ferrari

What is most annoying is not even the punishment itself, but the inconsistency of applying the rules. And that is deadly for a sport.

The Connely dude has to be sacked. And if Whiting really thinks other drivers did not gain any advantage, he has to retire as well.
Twisting the facts will not bring the sport forward. You need consistent rules and applying of these rules.

These discussions should not even take place to begin with. The fact that there is discussion about the way the FIA handles the Formula 1 law, is already a sign that they do a bad job applying it.

Maybe it is time for F1 to take a different direction or replace the current disgruntled FIA officials. :twocents-02cents:

Good article from Maurice Hamilton; ... -penalised


F1 Conspiracies, found on social media and various internet fora :mrgreen: ;
  • FIA Favors Ferrari, every action against the Scuderia will be punished by the Stewards.
  • Steward (Gary Connely) is against Verstappen and has tried to convince Mercedes in the past to file a complaint, so he could punish him (appears to be a true story).
  • Mika Salo is both Finnish and a former Ferrari driver, with a deep loyalty to the prancing Horse. He was also Jos´ team mate. Not really neutral in this case.
  • Max is under 21 and therefore illegal to drink in the US. They removed him from the podium to avoid a government fine. :lol:
  • Max is under a magnyfying glass, as some of the old FIA farts still think he entered the sport at a too young age
  • FIA should have their eyes tested
  • Kimi forced Max over the curbs, to avoid an accident
  • If you drive for Ferrari, different rules apply to the Scuderia
  • FIA stewards made a snap decision to avoid a hearing procedure, as they already knew it would not hold with arguments.
  • FIA thinks other drivers did not have any benefits from cutting or leaving track limits :roll:
  • FIA thinks it is fair to give Max one penalty point on his Super License for endagering another driver on the track. Kimi was pissed off for another reason. Being overtaken...
Just like Whiting did explain max leaving the track, Salo did the same on Instagram.
There is no dispute Max left the track with all wheels. But more drivers did so and gained an advantage. Sainz in the same spot and Vettel with a wider line in turn 1. And there are more examples. It is not this isolated decision but the lack of action to similar situations previously during the race. It is just unfair and everybody thinks so.

Salo got bashed a little on his Instagram account. :evil:

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The recent FIA struggle with the rules and applying of these rules, has not gone unnoticed by F1 tech supremo Ross Brawn.

A strong call for a better way to deal with rules and regulations from teams and the community has been heard.

Right now he is very subtle in his choice of words, but he must have boiled as well after the podium farce at Austin.
Ross Brawn believes Formula 1 should consider a new review system to better judge controversial incidents, in the wake of the Max Verstappen penalty in Austin. ... tem-970099

What i can destill from `new review system`, is that the current people, dealing with the rules, might be overdue. :mrgreen:

FOM has to keep Global Formula 1 interest in mind. And the erratic actions of the stewards hurt the sport in general. No matter if they are right or wrong. They are not able to see the bigger picture, but Ross Brawn is.
The USGP Podium scandal might lead to a total overhaul in the way rules are applied and penalties are given.

Most logical would be to hear drivers, teams and stewards first, exchange arguments and come to a conclusion. After the race.
Last years events at the Mexican GP had a similar situation, where Verstappen was taken off the podium, replaced by Vettel and afterwards Vettel was replaced by Ricciardo. So the right man never stood on the podium. But again a Ferrari favor. And that is also a point of interest. Many think Ferrari always gets the benefit of the doubt. True or not, that idea has to vanish with a proper independent and fair application of the rules and a strong unquestionable consistent team of people who deal with the aftermath of any incident and all involved.
it would be good to review cases such as this with all the relevant parties – the FIA and the teams,” said Brawn.
Respect works both ways. And right now the FIA and stewards are being scrutinized by the community. Also thanks to the many digital eyes surrounding the tracks these days. This means the respect is not there. Just listen to the comments of drivers, team bosses and former F1 champions.
That alone is reason enough to do a total overhaul with new people and a fresh start. :twocents-02cents:
“In Formula 1 we already have exceptional video technology but I think we need to look at how we utilise it in order to maintain accuracy and consistency.”
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I found an old fragment of another overtake action, that makes spectators rise from their chairs.

Rene Arnoux and Gilles Villeneuve. In those days it was all about racing.

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Toro Rosso has announced that Kvyatt will not return to the team this season. The last 3 races will be driven by Gasly and Hartley.

Sad news for the Russian, who despite a useful race and 1 point could not convince Helmut Marko.
And he did get enough chances to prove himself.
No announcements for the driver line up for 2018 yet. Obviously RB will evaluate these two for next year. But they still need to prove themselves. ... sso-marko/

Exit torpedo....
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F1 review from SKY sums it up pretty well.

A lot has been said and written about the USGP at Austin this Year.
Withoud any doubt one of the best races of the season.

But now it is time to move on. Mexico is waiting :party:
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