Baldur's Gate III

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Drift King
Drift King
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I recently bought Baldur's Gate III I've played all of the others in this line although not completed them all. :)

This one is very different from Baldur's Gate 2 and plays more like Divinity: Original Sin I and II (from the same developers so :roll: )

It was a little expensive so the price put me off getting it for a while but as it does not look like dropping any time soon i decided to pay up. :mrgreen:

As usual it is still in early access (everything seems to be these days :roll: ) despite this the game seems to run well and the graphics are very good, and as expected the game has a strong storyline.

One thing that is different from the last one is that the game will give you many ways to play including letting you kill the main characters if you make the wrong choices and just carry on playing but you will miss out on that part of the story line :o so making those choices are very important and quick saving should become habit. ;)

If you like this sort of game then you won't be disappointed, but as it is still early access you can only play the first chapter also a new update is due out very soon and will break your save unless you default to the old branch on steam. :(

While some might complain this is to be expected with an early access game my only complaint is if you are buying a game like this in early access and helping the testing then the game should be at a reduced price rising to full price when fully released. :twocents-02cents:
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