The Outer Worlds

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Just started playing this and it looks pretty good. Was a big fan of Fallout New Vegas, best in the series IMHO. If you enjoyed that game, this would be a good RPG to pass the time the next 6 months until Cyberpunk 2077 is fully patched. Not Fallout in space but there is a lot of familiar mechanics similar to New Vegas.
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I have looked at it and it seems interesting. :think:

Let me know how it goes and i might get it. :rightthumbup:
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Played a few more hours today and it's fun to me. The general story line has to do with the corporation running everything. A small example is at the very beginning when you meet the first NPC. He is wounded and you heal him. He states he will not put it in his report since off brand medical attention is not allowed. There is a great deal of that sort of humor so far. Always like the tongue and cheek humor of Fallout.

Movement, combat, sneak, etc., are similar to Fallout. Leveling is pretty standard but still different when applying points to skills. Fast travel is available after you have discovered an area. Since the game world is off world, the scenery is done well.

You can take companions along with you that provide bonuses to skills and have stories of their own for side quests. And of course there are the standard find stuff or whatever quests for the usual NPC's. It is suggested to collect all the NPC companions for quests. When not needed they can be left at the ship and chosen later.

There is a time slowing mechanism similar to VATS that has a cool down and lasts for a little while in use.

Consumable buffs play a bigger part. There are all sorts of consumables laying around. They can be just eaten or used in a device you have but to do that you need to have the proper skill. The device also can be used low level with a standard health buff.

Crafting plays a part early on to repair or add mods to weapons or armor. All weapons and armor can be broken down for repair parts.

Like all Fallout games, explore every little area well to find loot. Seems to be a good amount of stuff all over. You can steal anything as long as an NPC does not see you. Stood behind one and looted the container right behind them on a shelf, no problem. At some point you can pickpocket NPC's with the proper skill. Loot overflow can be sold and also stored in the ship you landed in.

This game will occupy me for a while. It has been rated four stars and up and out for a year now with DLC content just released. It was half price when I bought, $29.99USD. Well worth it I think.
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Thanks for the info, just been watching a bit of gameplay on Twitch and like you say it looks like Fallout with a bit of Borderlands mixed in to the shooting style. :mrgreen:

I'm a little busy designing a website for a client at the moment but i do take regular breaks and jump in and out of games as i go so i might get this to pass a bit of time. :D
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Finished, took 94 hours per GOG launcher. Played my usual sneaky sniper so a few of those hours were sneaking into position. Did as many side quests I found and completed all companion quests. The story line was good and the snarky humor throughout was funny. I will be playing again at some point when I pick up the DLC, one already released with one more in the works from what I read. Was a good game and well worth the price of admission.
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This game is definitely on my to buy list but haven't got the time at the moment. :(
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Got around to buying this yesterday and still have a few days holiday left so started a run through. :D

So far it seems ok, a bit like Fallout and i love that game.

will let you know how i am liking it once i get a bit more playtime into it.
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Bez wrote: Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:44 pm Got around to buying this yesterday and still have a few days holiday left so started a run through. :D

So far it seems ok, a bit like Fallout and i love that game.

will let you know how i am liking it once i get a bit more playtime into it.
Hope you enjoy it. Have not bought DLC yet but will at some point. Just picked up Wasteland 3 and having fun with that.
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Ok I'm kind of liking it so far but i think i need to up the difficulty, i wasn't sure how the game would play so i started on normal but i find it is way to easy so i think i need to take it up another level and see what difference that makes. :violence-rambo:

I'm also not keen on how the settings work for your companions, it's ether all out attack as soon as you fire at someone and they just run off into the middle of it or they just stand and watch, needs something in-between. :idea:

I'm not sure about the other settings for companions where you have to mam manage them every time, seems like too much work. :snooty:

I've just left the first planet after doing all the quests i could find (i think) with one companion (the girl from the cannery :mrgreen: ) not sure if i could of gotten any more.

I'm also a bit confused how this lock picking thing works. :?
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Bez wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 8:05 pm Ok I'm kind of liking it so far but i think i need to up the difficulty, i wasn't sure how the game would play so i started on normal but i find it is way to easy so i think i need to take it up another level and see what difference that makes. :violence-rambo:

I'm also not keen on how the settings work for your companions, it's ether all out attack as soon as you fire at someone and they just run off into the middle of it or they just stand and watch, needs something in-between. :idea:

I'm not sure about the other settings for companions where you have to mam manage them every time, seems like too much work. :snooty:

I've just left the first planet after doing all the quests i could find (i think) with one companion (the girl from the cannery :mrgreen: ) not sure if i could of gotten any more.

I'm also a bit confused how this lock picking thing works. :?
It's been a while since I played, forgot how most of it works. I played mostly solo and only take companions when and if needed, otherwise I left them on the ship. For me companions in any game of this type are usually a dead weight and I avoid them whenever I can. I can't really be sneaky if I drag peeps around with me. I think I may have dragged a few with on occasion but left them back when I wanted to do something sneaky but forgot how. I thought I would load a save and see how it was set up but I also deleted those when I finished the game. Not much help am I? :loll: There are a few sites I used when I got stuck on how the game played but don't recall those now either. Lock picking was really simple but I put points in that skill along with anything needed for a sneak thief sniper, how I play all these types of games. Just need the mag lock things and a high enough skill as far as I can remember. The snarky humor on corporations was fun. Will play again after both DLC are discounted. Good luck.
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