Elite Dangerous

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Have been looking at this game and plan on buying. I know it was released early and has bugs (pretty much like any game released these days) but it looks great and the urge to fly around the galaxy is strong in this one. Anyone else here play this?
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Looks interesting I used to play the old Elite games back in the day but I'm into Dragon Age at the moment. :D
[BBvideo 640,360][/BBvideo]
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Have been playing part of today. Many tutorials need to be read for sure and played in-game. Have launched and landed in the space dock tutorials but I will be playing these a few times over so I get used to control. Really acts like space flight and if you desire can turn off flight assist so you get true physics. Not really for someone not into space flight. Had a flightstick and have some knowledge of spaceflight. Supports play with KB and mouse but sort of like driving with the same. Was playing Kerbal Space Program on and off but would rather fly em than build em. Last space sim type game I played was Evochron Legends somewhere around the turn of the century.
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So, this was the game where you have the whole space and probably infinite number of universes to explore?
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Alvin wrote:So, this was the game where you have the whole space and probably infinite number of universes to explore?
Not the universe but a 1:1 scale of our galaxy as far as we know it anyway. 400 billion stars with planets, moons, and asteroid belts but those are obviously generated since science can see very little of those sort of things. It is a space flight simulator, similar to standard flight sims. Setting is the year 3300, some colonization has taken place but the galaxy is a big place and lots of uncharted space. You can use FTL speed to travel in a solar system and hyperspace for jumping to another star.

A word of caution though, the game does not handhold at all. Lots of online manuals and videos to watch and read to understand the whole thing. I am still in tutorials and will be for a few more days since i replay them a few times. My choice really since I prefer to understand everything before I actually start my career. I have not played a flight sim for a few years so pretty rusty.

Finally, people are complaining it's too hard to make money, the grind. I look at The Crew and how quickly I explored the entire map and have everything with not much left to do but cruise. That is the same in this game I suppose but I can load up a fuel scoop and pick a direction and keep going from star to star exploring until my hull fails. Lots of stories of people traveling thousands of light years just exploring. Some make it back with lots of data to sell, some die in space. Such is life.
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Here you go. This player made a long journey and exploration. Space is harsh, many don't make it back. Notice near the end how his canopy is cracked. Hull was at 14%. Ultimate cruising game but with some real danger of losing your ship.

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Been playing a few weeks now, really enjoying the game. Just upgraded my ride a few days ago to a Cobra Mk III. There are a couple of lasers under the panels. Space can be dangerous. Have not been shot down yet but keep plenty of insurance money just in case, lets you re-buy your ship. If you go broke, it's back to a starter ship.


Another shot inside a hub.


Here is a shot from outside a hub above an earth type planet. Just added this new debug camera as they call it. Dangerous to use because it is in live space. There are 150,000 inhabited systems and 400 billion stars, you can fly to all of them.

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Graphics look awesome. :D
What's the main theme of the game, is it to just make as much money as you can or dose it have a story line and play out like an adventure game with missions?
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The graphics are very good all around and plays well on my modest 3 year old build using a GTX760. There is a variety of stations but still a limited number. Also there are stations with just landing platforms not hubs. There are a variety of star types, planets, and moons.

There are three games modes you can play, solo, private group, and open. Open is also open PvP. There is some controversy there between players because you can play your same ship across all three You all play the same universe in all modes. Also hackers who basically become invincible. But the play area is so big that unless you play open where the action is, seeing another player is rare. I only play solo anyway. Even in Guild Wars 2 I play solo. Yeah I play with others but I have my guild of one. I am there to play a game not to chat. And if you read some of the open chat, I don't want to chat with those people anyway.

You stated you played the old Elite games and I guess it is similar from what I read, never played myself. But it helps to know something about flight and space, it's a space flight sim. I even updated my old flightstick from the turn of the century. So old it had a gameport connector with an adaptor for USB which was just coming out when I bought it. You start with a basic small ship and 1000 credits, what you do from there is up to you. At first you just trade or fight depending on how you like to play. Some have compared to ETS2 and that is how I play. I go from star to star delivering stuff or looking for stuff to bring back. Next ship up for me is 20 times what this one cost plus then you need credits to outfit her. Still outfitting the Cobra.

There is a story running but not personal. Have to remember you are one person in a whole galaxy and your actions are minimal at best. There are three factions, Federation, Empire, and Alliance. Within these are various sub governments, like democracy, communism, etc., about 15 types of governments. There are also commodities to be traded. The hub I was at in the photo was in an agricultural system so they need machines for harvest and food goes where ever. Photo is kind of dim but in the hub there are plantations too in the rim. As you provide service for each you gain reputation with them. This can be done by trading or fighting. Ship I fly is multipurpose. You can fly a fighter and be a pirate or soldier. You can be a trader and fly a big bulky freighter and hope you don't get blasted to bits. I prefer to be a hobo and jack of all trades so I have limited cargo but have decent weapons.

Just released an update version 1.2 is called wings and lets open play form wings of four. People complain about MMO and only 32 per session, I laughed to myself. This also allows NPC's to have wings so life for solo just got harder. I have yet to be killed but was down to less then 50% hull and no shields before I got away. There are some very dangerous places in anarchy systems. Yet there are boring places too. Again it is a big universe. This guys quote from the forums sort of sums it up if you do not prepare well.

"In Elite Dangerous, you can simply warp into Mordor. No one will stop you. No one will warn you. And you will die."

So bottom line it is a complete game with it being worked on to improve it. They work on it a lot too. After the 1.2 release, they had three patches in as many days to fix little errors. Shows some dedication to their product. Where this is a sim in an open sandbox, Star Citizen will be more space opera with more story, room for both. There is a lot to learn before you even start to play. there are some tutorial videos and a tutorial mode before you take your first ship but you don't have to play them, I did. The best source is the community who have made more detailed videos, tips, and some basics about the game. Some people will get bored quickly but I like the flight and space thing. I plan to buy my next ship and leave civilized space for the galactic core to explore. May make it back may not but will enjoy trying.
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Wow thanks for that, so it seems like the old Elite but bigger and better. :D
I used to like the old one maybe I will give this a try. :rightthumbup:
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