Civilization V

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Oskad-87 wrote:
死の (Shino) wrote:
Oskad-87 wrote:This means that now Estonia and Ukraine are the only directely unrepresented European countries in Civ5. ... xt=Estonia
I already knew about this one, don't use it! Trust me, I already made multiple tests with that mod and it always made my games crash some time in the late game (randomly after turn 250) with no way to fix it, it even happened when I only used vanilla civilizations and Estonia got eliminated in the early game.

And that sucks because I was born in Estonia and I'd actually like to have a Estonian civ but there's no decent one available anywhere. :(
Apologies. I didn't know that mod was broken.
Remember: Hacking, not cracking.
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The True Pacific Empire

Hey all, welcome back to The True Pacific Empire playthrough feturin' the Malayan Union. First of all, I'd like to say that I'm sorry about the delay of this part compared to the last one but I've gotta other games to play and besides that I still actively mod this one. Without further ado, let us begin with the minimaps.

Turn 200:

Turn 225:

Turn 250:

Turn 275:

Turn 300:

This time I know where to begin with, and it is by sayin' I'll not be narratin' this game like I did in the last part where I made a list of every war that happened, instead I'll just do it like I always did it.

In the last part I talked about a coalition against Russia and the Evenks and how it'd be awesome if an AI player finally got to eliminate Sibir... yeah, that didn't end up happenin', but I really feel that if Putin and Bombogor could work together in this without anyone else intervenin' in they could be successful.

Another coalition that I talked about in the last part was the Joseon one, and that didn't end well for them. Now the Yamana Domain got territory in mainland Asia and Qin is the closest nation to get the same borders of modern day China. Other wars that happened near that region were Magadan versus Yakutia, and Min versus Yamana, where now Min is merely a city-state.

More to the west the Qara Qoyunlu attacked the Timurids, kinda like how they did IRL, except that the Aq Qoyunlu is not here to kick their butt after that.

And even more to the west a coalition against the Visigoths took place, the changes caused by the Isle of Man and the Vainakhs are pretty visible in the maps, but unfortunately, the ones caused by Macedon is not so much...

Lesotho and Betsy declared a dual war against Burundi in Africa, and surprisingly Betsy had a measure role in this where they managed to get back one of the cities they settled in continental Africa as well as the old Ethiopian capital city.

Back to the Far East, you all should already have noticed I united the Malayan-Indonesian archipelago under one banner, not only that but Siamese and Filipino lands are mine as well, all thanks to the Mughals, which are now my enemy thanks to the one city they settled in the Pacific Islands. I shouldn't have sold Sri Lanka to them...

Durin' these last 100 turns I "discovered" the Americas, and oh my... The Iroquois are dominatin' in the North after havin' beaten the crap out of nations like Quebec, New York, The Seminole and Texas. While surprisingly in the South the "puny" Brazilian state of Alagoas is throwin' a party to celebrate their domination over Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador and Tropico (Alagoas got cities from all these four under their control).

I also took my time to attack Hawaii, which in this campaign, was bein' controlled by Teddy Roosevelt. The main reason for me to do that quite soon was that Hawaii was leadin' the Science Output and Technologies Discovered categories of the World Rankings.

Here are the Info Addicts and other info screens for this part.

Malayan Overview:



Land Area:




Military Manpower:

Two things.

One. I'll not be puttin' dead civilizations in the Military Manpower window anymore, if you wanna look at who is in the game there is a section in the Part 1 of the The True Pacific Empire for that.

And two. Yamana scares the hell out of me with their military might. Sargon and I created a monster. :lol:

Thanks for readin' and I will see you next time.
Nogai211 wrote:The only reason PC is better than Console is because it has Civilization V!
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<---- *Laughs at how Texas is now Yukon in the mini maps*
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Miao wrote:More to the west the Qara Qoyunlu attacked the Timurids, kinda like how they did IRL, except that the Aq Qoyunlu is not here to kick their butt after that.
I find this to be funny because in one of my recent games something similar happened. The Qara Qoyunlu declared war on England and took their capital city but a few turns later the Aq Qoyunlu declared war on them and took all of their land. :lol:
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TheLuigi907 wrote:I find this to be funny because in one of my recent games something similar happened. The Qara Qoyunlu declared war on England and took their capital city but a few turns later the Aq Qoyunlu declared war on them and took all of their land. :lol:
You still play on random generated maps? What kind of barbarian are you? Image
Nogai211 wrote:The only reason PC is better than Console is because it has Civilization V!
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Miao wrote:You still play on random generated maps? What kind of barbarian are you? Image
He's a rebel. :lol:
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Miao wrote:Yamana scares the hell out of me with their military might. Sargon and I created a monster. :lol:
No, you created a monster. It's you who wanted their AI to be aggressive.
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The True Pacific Empire

Hey all, welcome, welcome back to The True Pacific Empire playthrough feturin' the Malayan Union. It's been a while since the last post about this, more than fifteen days. It's all due to me not havin' so much time to play games and when I do play it doesn't necessarily mean it's Civ5. Let us begin with the minimaps.

Turn 300:

Turn 325:

Turn 350:

Turn 375:

Turn 400:

A lot of changes happened since the last part, and these changes mostly involves Malaya and the Iroquois. I love how they are lookin' in the minimaps, it's a pity I'll have to declare war on the Iroquois one day, but I guess they could decide to expand into other continents instead of in direction of the Pacific Ocean, my (claimed) territory.

Let me start with the first nation I've eliminated in these 100 turns, Papua. A civilization that I sort of feel pity for havin' done that, this is because I already have eliminated them in so many other games, but this time around they had a new civ icon and colour scheme!

In the last part I've said something about the Yamana bein' all scary with their army size and... well... their army was indeed big, but it was mostly composed of outdated ships (galeasses and very few frigates) and land units, by the time I declared the war I was the only nation with submarines. New Zealand was bigger challenge.

Another civilization destroyed by me in this part was the Chukchi, this was the first time I used that mod. Right after doin' that I went after Cascadia, gettin' my first holdings in the American continent (sorry Shino, I know you wanted Cascadia to do well but they were in my way, and I wasn't the one who took their last city, the Iroquois is to blame for that). Soon after the fall of Cascadia I went after California with the unwanted help of the Iroquois, this time around I've let California stay alive... in the cold lands of north Alaska.

And finally, I've invaded China. That was the best lookin' ever Qin I have seen in every TSL game of Civ5, they didn't get their borders to look like modern day China PR but that's the closest match I've seen someone (AI or not) get to. Now Qin looks like China after Japan invaded them in WWII? Anyway, my victory in the war against Qin wouldn't have been that easy if they didn't declare war on Magadan beforehand.

And that's pretty much all the wars I've got involved, there's also the one with the Mughals in which I took only 1 city and then I stayed on defense during the rest of the conflict, it's not that interesting but the Mughals shouldn't be a problem anymore, I'm not gonna mess with them.

As for the other conflicts...

Magadan took Yakutia's capital city, givin' them access to attack the Evenks, and I really hope they do so before I declare war on them because I want to see a strong Magadan, even if without their capital city (their second city, which is not along the Pacific Ocean, is at 25 population and is bigger than their capital, but that's more due to them havin' lost it and requonquerin' it back then when Joseon was still around.

This one is not that visible in the maps because of similar colours between the Visigoths and Macedon. Macedon has conquered all of mainland Europe, and then they got a declaration of war from numerous nations around them, includin' the Isle of Man, Algeria, Russia and the Vainakhs... Oh well, maybe the this crazy world don't like pretty boys runnin' powerful civilizations.

The Mossi's land have been thorn apart between Algeria, Alagoas, Lesotho and Nubia, with the last one of them takin' the most out of it and still desirin' more afterwards as they declared war on Burundi, the U.A.E., and on the Qara Qoyunlu. Oh and they are also part of the anti-Macedonian coalition.

After a really long friendship that benefited them both Lesotho has betrayed Betsimisaraka. Surprisingly, Lesotho has not been able to capture the territories north of them even though they have a considerable bigger army than Betsy's, I guess they might be strugglin' with the naval invasions from Madagascar.

In the maps it looks like nothing is happenin' in South America but in the last 10 turns Alagoas have been tryin' to capture the Chilean capital city of Gran Santiago with no success so far.

And as I have mentioned before, the Iroquois are really lookin' good after havin' eliminated most of the North American civilizations. In TSL games it's usually the Shoshone or the Sioux that end up dominatin', I wonder how the continent would be if I had put one of them. One important thing about the Iroquoian-Lakota war is that the Lakota had Iroquoian cities under their control, I guess this is the first time in my TSL games that I have seen a civ gettin' revenge on another one without the aid of other civs for it. Nevermind, Bengal has made something similar in a past game.


One funny thing. Algeria is now part of the Americas as they've settled the Falklands/Malvinas islands. :lol:

Now, to the InfoAddicts.

Malayan Overview:



Land Area:
I really freakin' hate how the Land Area statistics is a lie as it includes coastal and ocean tiles in the formula.



And in case anyone is wonderin' what beliefs I have chosen for my religion:


Military Manpower:

Thanks for readin' and I will see you next time.
Nogai211 wrote:The only reason PC is better than Console is because it has Civilization V!
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Miao wrote:Macedon has conquered all of mainland Europe, and then they got a declaration of war from numerous nations around them, includin' the Isle of Man, Algeria, Russia and the Vainakhs... Oh well, maybe the this crazy world don't like pretty boys runnin' powerful civilizations.
Pretty boy? F%#$ that. Alexander is a complete douchebag and I'm glad an entire coalition against him has formed.
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Miao wrote:this time around I've let California stay alive... in the cold lands of north Alaska.
Oh you're so merciful. :roll:
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