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Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:48 pm
by Bez
[thumbnail] ... hot_43.jpg[/thumbnail] Cant wait for this to come out, I've already started playing The Witcher 2 again (never did get time to finish it)
It has way better graphics than Skyrim in my opinion the only thing that let it down was that it wasn't truly open world and limited you to certain boundaries. :(
[thumbnail] ... hot_36.jpg[/thumbnail] This has been dealt with in The Witcher 3 and is now a fully go anywhere adventure and going by the videos and screen shots it's looking awesome.

[thumbnail] ... hot_42.jpg[/thumbnail] Plus you can now mod The Witcher games. :banana-wrench: [thumbnail] ... hot_41.jpg[/thumbnail]

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:46 pm
by Bez
Not long now :2thumbsup:
I'm looking forward to this more than all the previous one because it is now fully open world. :2thumbsup:
Plus the monsters don't scale with your character so you have to be Careful if you stray of the beaten path or take on a quest you may not be ready for just yet :o you may just end up dead. :shock:
The graphics look stunning, cant wait to play it on full settings just hope my GTX 780Ti can take it.
[BBvideo 640,360][/BBvideo]

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:16 pm
by MadManCK
That looks awesome. :mrgreen:
And don't worry with a GTX780Ti you can power your way through that game. ;)

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:18 pm
by Bez
Yea I think the GTX will handle it. :D
Here's a few things to look forward to in the game. (no spoilers)
•As you make choices, people will react to what you do in the world. Expect NPCs to comment on your choices and their demeanor to change if the agree or disagree with them. Also, different people and activities will be available depending on the time of day.
•Characters from the first Witcher game that weren't in the second won't be making an appearance in Wild Hunt. However, it's possible that CD Projekt RED will bring them back in DLC.
•For crafting, you must find a blueprint, collect the necessary ingredients, and then locate a blacksmith skilled enough to craft the item. It's straightforward, but finding a blacksmith skilled enough will be more of a challenge. Some blacksmiths are not immediately accessible and can only be unlocked by doing quests. Apparently, you can craft some pretty spiffy armor for Geralt.
•Geralt has a father/daughter relationship with Ciri, and that doesn't change. CD Projekt RED followed the books and wanted to make sure it introduced new fans to the Witcher lore accordingly. "You see that Geralt who is usually quite tough and serious clearly has a soft spot for this girl,” said senior game designer Damien Monnier. "She’s not a damsel in distress; she’s quite badass,” added level designer Miles Tost.
•Regarding the alchemy system, You start with a recipe, find the ingredients, then create a potion. This potion will have four to five uses. But here's the cool thing: once you create the potion, you can obtain more by merely mediating and drinking some alcohol to replenish it. This eliminates you constantly having to track down ingredients, although expect the ingredients not to be as easy to find to make the potion in the first place. CD Projekt RED has this new system because too many people were afraid to waste the potions they crafted in past games. This encourages players not to be scared about wasting them and to experiment more with the alchemy system.
•Melee combat features over 100 combat moves and animations. How many you'll actually see just depends on if you want to focus on that branch of the skill tree.
•You can meditate anywhere you can build a fire, but you can't just go into a stranger's house and meditate at their fireplace.
•CD Projekt RED took fan feedback into consideration when tweaking the combat. It wanted it to be much more responsive and put the player in more control, while still being challenging. Another goal was to make it so people could easily grap the mechanics from the onset.
•More was revealed on transferring your save if you're moving platforms or played on Xbox 360. You will come across a character that will sing your past tales to you. You can correct this character with the choices that happened to you if he gets an event wrong. This is differently woven into the narrative and not something separate from the game.
•You won't just be riding on horseback. You can also climb mountains, swim, and dive. The game has different paths to get anywhere, and those will reveal different goodies.
•Some fun side activities include the return of fist-fighting (but they're no longer QTEs), a new horse racing minigame, and a new deck-building card game that's based on one in the books called Gwent.
•CD Projekt RED is still working on its insanity mode, so it couldn't reveal much, but did say it's toying with plenty of ideas, like having dying delete your saves. Nothing has been decided yet, but it wants to make it super punishing without eliminating the fun.
•There will be an option to still play after you complete the game.

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:01 pm
by Bez
Just seen the latest specs to run this game, looks like my CPU is going to struggle :(
My cpu i7 950 @ 3.07GHz not looking good to get the most out of this game. :cry:

Minimum System Requirements
Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz
AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940
Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660
AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
DirectX 11
HDD Space 40 GB

Recommended System Requirements
Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHz
Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770
AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
DirectX 11
HDD Space 40 GB

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:25 pm
by MadManCK
Those are pretty high minimum specs. :eeek:

My HTPC can barely play it. We will see how it will turn out in practise. Core i5 2500K and GTX670, lol :lol:

That good old i7 950 can easily be OC a little with a good cooler. Should not be a problem, especially not with the 780ti doing the heavy work.

They dont even mention Vista 64 anymore.
Same with The Crew, but it does run on Vista as well. It seems like the whole software industry wants to forget Vista as soon® as possible. I never had real issues with it. But W7 is better.

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:21 am
by Bez
When I first got the PC custom built it came overclocked (can't remember what it was) but after a lot of adding things and having to reset the bios a few times it is now running on stock.

The motherboard dose come with a program called boost that suppose to give three levels of overclocking by just clicking each button. :mrgreen:
However trying just the first one gives problems as when it starts the PC to make the changes it wont go past the post and just keeps re-starting over and over the only way to stop it is to press the bios reset switch at the back of the PC. :shock:
This reboots to a screen giving me the option to start from the last known good boot plus two other boots and it also has three or four (cant remember) profile boots these must be the custom ones that came with the PC.
Haven't tried them as they just have a name custom1, custom2, etc. but don't give any info as to what they do. :?

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 4:47 pm
by Bez
Latest video from Pax, on Xbox One.
[BBvideo 640,360][/BBvideo]

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:43 am
by Bez
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will come with 16 free DLCs for everyone. :woot:

[BBvideo 640,360][/BBvideo]

Re: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 9:15 am
by Bez
New Witcher video, not long now. :D
[BBvideo 640,360][/BBvideo]

Wile this is no Skyrim I still think it is going to be epic. :party: