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Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:08 pm
by Whoamus
Bezrider wrote:Wow thanks for that, so it seems like the old Elite but bigger and better. :D
I used to like the old one maybe I will give this a try. :rightthumbup:
If you're interested here is a good starting point. The pilots guide Wiki page has the tutorial videos and some links to other sources. This should help you decide if you want to give it a go or not.

Pilots Guide Wiki

I also found this persons explanation of the game humorous but true from the Elite forums, used some of the tips. Where I got that one quote above.

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted - An Introduction to the Gameplay of Elite Dangerous

Should be enough to let you decide if the game is for you.

Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:28 pm
by Bez
That's a very interesting read on the Elite forum, thanks for the links I will look it over. :party:

Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:58 am
by Prepsi
Is this anything like Star Citizen? I might buy it if it's like a non-vaporware Star Citizen that will run on normal PC's.

Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:32 pm
by Whoamus
Prepsi wrote:Is this anything like Star Citizen? I might buy it if it's like a non-vaporware Star Citizen that will run on normal PC's.
I have not looked much at SC. From what I read my impression is no, nothing really similar except maybe the flight. This is more flight sim without any real story. There is a galactic story running in the background but you have very little, if any, influence to the galactic story as a whole. SC from what I have read will have a story and it's scope will be somewhere around 200 star systems. SC is part FPS, none here but there is some discussion of an expansion to allow you to walk outside your ship in dock and planetary landings..This is a make your own way game. You like pew pew in games, you can get a combat ship. You want to be a trader, get a cargo hauler. Jack of all trades like I play, get a multi purpose ship and go from star to star. You get bored easily or are used to games telling you what to do next,, probably not for you. The game requires lots of patience, lots of reading and playing tutorials.

On a final note. The game is playable with mouse and keyboard. Driving with mouse and keyboard works to a point and so will this game. It is a flight sim and works best with a flightstick. I bought this one T Flight Hotas X. Priced just over $50USD and it works well. It's bigger brother is almost $500USD. The game works well with this stick. Stick has 12 buttons and the game allows to set one as a shift key so I have 22 buttons assigned and do not need to touch the keyboard.

Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 5:02 pm
by MadManCK
Looks like a cool space game" onclick=";return false;

[BBvideo 640,360][/BBvideo]


Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 11:10 pm
by Whoamus
Beginning is a bit misleading, no walk about outside the ship now, maybe in the future. The combat seems fun but I am not so much a pew pew player more an ETS2 player. If I am pulled out of hyper space for combat by a pirate, I do see if I can beat them. Now with the latest 1.2 update, I can be set upon by a wing of up to four. If I look like I am going to fail, I can boost back to hyper space. There are a few areas that are conflict zones where the PvP crowd play. Personally, I just like the feeling of flying through space. Maybe some younger people here will be able to travel in space but I will be dead before it becomes common.

Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:58 pm
by Whoamus
Thought this was pretty cool. These players made a race from inside and around a hub.

[BBvideo 640,360][/BBvideo]

Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:24 am
by Bez
Cool, its amazing how people will find different ways to play games. :D

Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:28 am
by Whoamus
Have not been driving at all, having more fun flying in space. Game is now available on Steam but read carefully, many do not like the kind of game it is. I enjoy the exploration and have always liked flying and space, I'm hooked.

Have seen some very interesting things. Jumped into a system with 4 stars real close, took heat damage before I got away. Left a station the other day and this is what I saw.


Not sure when I will be back to being a grounder and driving.

Re: Elite Dangerous

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:38 am
by Whoamus
I have been on a space cruise the last few weeks. Have a few snaps to share. Large so using spoilers.

You can fly anywhere you can see. Not directly but by using hyperspace to jump. My target area, Barnard's Loop.
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Jumping can be dangerous. I jumped into this system on the other side between those stars but far enough away.
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First to discover this Earth Like planet. Good for extra credits and now when people go there they will see my Commander's name as the first to discover. You get credit for any new discovery even if someone else has but first to discover gets 50% bonus. Earth Likes pay well.
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Where I turned back. Still 1000 light years to go. You can see from first snap that the loop is much larger. Went back to sell data for a ship called an Asp Explorer. Longer jump distance ship.
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