Assistance with Stuttering Please

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Hi guys, I thought I'd ask here since the 'official forums' were Zero help... :?

I'm having an issue with graphical stuttering in TCWR, mostly while turning. It lasts for about 6 seconds, and happens on about 1/3 of the corners / turns I take. (About 2/3's of the turns are absolutely smooth).

I guess this an "old issue". But I just got TCWR on PC, and this stuttering issue is worse than it was on console! I get a fairly solid 60fps, yet the stuttering persists. I'm not having this issue in other games.

I've lowered graphics settings in TC, tried Borderless Windows, tried 30fps, messed with NVidia settings, NVidia drivers are up-to-date. Googled this issue, and no luck.

P.S. I've watched Madman's (magician-like :P) vids on Youtube, and I don't see Any stuttering..? :shock:

Thanks guys :party:
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And you are sure it is isn't lag between your 9 eyes :mrgreen:

That's not much to go on, what kind of hardware is in your setup? CPU/GPU/RAM etc.

Also background programs / stortage of ram could be a factor, but can't be sure until we know what is powering your system.

And yes, MadMan is a great racer ;)
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lol yes I'm a PC gaming noob... :mrgreen:

Asus Rog (3 months old)
Intel Core i7-4720HQ 2.6GHz (turbo up to 3.6 GHz).
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M with 4GB DDR5 VRAM (G-Sync)
TCWR is on a 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD

I have no major background processes running, except Pandora Radio, all other apps are closed.

Its Laptop and it's Plugged In
I tried setting TCWR to 'High Priority'
I have NVidia set to Max Performance
I ran a virus scan with 2 different programs, and it's coming up clean

Really not sure what else to try... It's really annoying, I like The Crew A LOT on PC, Much more than I did on console. :rightthumbup:
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I get stuttering as well. It is due to server sync issues and lag. Game runs at 60fps but sometimes the fps drops in the game and the stuttering begins. At longer FD runs this can become a bit tiring.
You can try V-sync. Just use the Nvidia recommended settings. These are indeed best optimized. The rest of the optimization has to come from the dev team. I have already seen that they have worked to reduce the stuttering by rendering less scenery in some cases.

You need enough graphical power to keep it at a steady 60. I use an SLI setup (2x780ti) and still experience stuttering sometimes. I can not play much longer than 2 hours for that reason.
Today i will try lowering the resolution from 3440x1440p to 2560x1080p (my recording res) to see if it will still be there. Not optimal.

Where is Nvidia Pascal when you need it.... :whistle:

PS You opened Pandora's Box and still ask yourself why havoc is running on your rig :mrgreen:
As the radio is a streaming service, it might be related. Crew appears to be bandwidth heavy.
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Hmm MadMan Thanks! You know what... I'm using wireless...... I'll plug in my ethernet :oops:
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Well I plugged in the ethernet cable, and lowered the graphics setting a bit, and it seemed to run a little bit smoother in the countryside. In Miami it seemed worse. I was getting low 50's FPS at times... I'm not sure which graphics settings to lower, without causing the game to looking like complete cr@p. I'll try Nvidia's optimal settings, and do more testing tomoz.... GNite :geek:
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Just one other thing to consider, what's you internet speed ?
Most people will have more than enough these days a few still don't so might be worth checking also is anyone else using the internet at the same as you because this will also have a hit on performance.
Hope you get it sorted. :rightthumbup:
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That's a beastly laptop you got, it should run everything flawlessly.

But yes wireless cards in laptops can be a very mixed bag, i have a Asus laptop with an extremely weak wireless card, when my laptop is right next the router you would think it would be fast, but my phones 4G wireless internet beats it, and i have 60/20 Mbit internet.

BTW. isn't there something about Nvidia not supporting their mobile graphics cards like they do their desktop cards? Thought i heard that once.

Also do you get stutters like this in other games? If so then you might want to look at some older driver releases as Nvidia's current drivers not always is the best ones, they have proved that time and time again.

I'm using a GTX 970 overclocked to the moon at 2560x1440p and i also get light stutters, but New York and dens forests are the worst for me, but i hardly notice it anymore, i guess you get used to it.

But server lag is much worse, as anyone is bouncing around you, i had that problem once, it turned out it was my antivirus that made my game get a stict NAT.

BTW what is you NAT type when you open the game?
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Game is lagging in Drag Summit events etc. For the rest it is pretty stable for me.

Something strange happened. I tried to lower the res, but it did not work, so i switched back to full res 3440x1440p. I also activated HBAO as that makes the game look awesome. Instead of performing less due to the higher amount of work for the GFX, the game ran more smoothly. A lot less stuttering. :?

FPS alone does say something but not all. The game can run smooth at 45FPS and will be very playable. For me 30fps is not enough. You will always notice it and it becomes tiring in the long run.
Maybe some of the stuttering is also related to connections to other players. Some events seem to take their toll on the hardware more than others.
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Running pretty good today, some bad moments as well... I don't have my router's port set to Open. Trying to get into the router to fix that. And I can't get in... such a pain! This must be what'll make the difference... I know that because my router is doing everything in its power to keep me out :lol:

@Bear yes, this laptop runs everything else quite well... Fallout 4 runs really well, and GTAV does too, but the grass can get pretty laggy.

@MadMan I found something weird, I kept the Graphics options open (on screen), then while taking a Stuttery / Jittery Turn, I quickly changed shadows from Medium to High, and it instantly stopped the stuttering! Try it sometime... It's seemed to work while changing other graphic settings as well... It's almost as if graphics get overloaded, and need to be flushed clean, and they're not doing it. That trick didn't work very well in Miami near all the bridges and buildings tho, but I'm only getting 55-57 FPS in that location. :( But in all other area's where I'm getting 60FPS, it worked. Test that out... If it works for you, and we're able to manually 'flush the graphics' maybe you could pass it on to the dev's.

Also, changing graphics setting does very little for me. Low / Ultra... don't seem to make much of a difference. A few FPS at best.
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