GTA V to PC Early 2014

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Im happy about the release I do not care to much about bugs all games have bugs even console version's still has bugs I remember when this GTA V was just art work pictures on Rockstar forum after following the making of the game for quite a while I was shocked to learn it was console only, I was absolutely shattered.

I remember signing petitions and writing letters to Rockstar to change there mind but they never did, when they announced they were doing a PC port over i was sort of mixed over how I felt, we all know Rockstar does not have good history with PC port over's but I was still happy about the announcement Rockstar assured that the port over will be different to it's previous ports.

Since GTA V release I have tried to steer clear of GTA play trough's especially from my favorite Youtubers like Dan and his dad etc I don't care if it has bugs as long as I finally get to play it after all these years.

As for PC trailer released yesterday little disappointed I was hoping it would of been longer :loll: but im getting little excited with each day it gets closer just waiting for them to delay it again :violin:

But once it is released I know where I will be living for quite some time :2thumbsup:

Grand Theft Auto V - 60 Frames-Per-Second PC Trailer ... filter=all" onclick=";return false;
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If you still cant wait for GTA V then it will be available for pre-download from April 7th :D
Make sure you have plenty of disk space 65GB minimum hard drive requirement :eeek:
The hot news comes straight from Rockstar’s support site via their FAQ. “Yes, pre-loads via Rockstar Warehouse and Steam will be available on April 7th.” Rockstar confirmed.
"If you pre-ordered GTAV from a digital retailer other than Rockstar Warehouse or Steam, please contact your retailer’s customer support departments for details on pre-loads.”

Steam puts a 65GB minimum hard drive requirement on the game, so you might need to do some spring cleaning to accommodate all the high-res texture goodness.
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It just saddens me when I see people saying they don't care whether a game or whatever has bugs or whatever as long as it get's released, it's almost gives developers free reign to churn out bug ridden crap because they know they can get away with it because some people will just accept it as being normal! :roll:
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davejc64 wrote:It just saddens me when I see people saying they don't care whether a game or whatever has bugs or whatever as long as it get's released, it's almost gives developers free reign to churn out bug ridden crap because they know they can get away with it because some people will just accept it as being normal! :roll:
But the thing is with Rockstar is that they'll make it up if it is buggy. All proof one needs for this is the fact that when GTA Online launched on the 360 and PS3 in the buggy mess it was, Rockstar gave players 1 million in in-game cash. It would have been better if it was bug free, yes, but they made it up regardless.
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Prepsi wrote: Rockstar gave players 1 million in in-game cash..
Well it's not like it was real money. :loll:
I agree with davejc64 game companies need to take more responsibility for the games they release, just take The Crew for example add up how many years it was in development then the delay plus the time it has been released and what do you get......... still buggy, cant connect with other players sometimes and I don't even want to go into why we still don't have the companion app. :angry-tappingfoot:
I rest my case. :P
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So Rockstars response to releasing a shoddy product is to give purchasers 1 million in game virtual cash, wow what absolute legends such heroics deserves recognition ! :Facepalmmario:
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Projects of this magnitude will never be 100% bug free. But the game producers and software industry in general, can get away with way to much to my taste. Customers are diverted from the failures with empty treats or vague promises.
There was a group of scientists in Australia, who created a bug-free piece of software, but it took them a couple of years to get it completely bug free. And it was a relatively small program.

Most publishers don't give the game developers enough time to make it as good as they can. But the game developers themselves hide behind that too easy. If they pay more attention to what they are doing they can avoid a lot of bugs and also taking an interest of what others are doing helps as well.
With huge projects that involve multiple departments, or even multiple studios, the control is a lot harder. It takes some clever organization to even pull large projects off. Not every talented programmer is a good manager.

It took a few enthusiastic community developers only a few hours to fix some nasty bugs in TDU2. Programmers, who made the code, should have fixed those within 1 hour or so. Sloppy work and also bad work ethics and internal quality control. A fallout between a developer and publisher is no excuse to neglect and ignore the community, their customers.
As long as those, who are responsible for the end result, do not know exactly what is going on, people will continue to make errors or work against each other without knowing it.

Problems with the Crew are largely due to the interaction with Uplay. Especially the connectivity issues between players and the stats not updating properly. Good example of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

When it comes to the PC release of GTA V, it is almost an insult, because the graphics patches could have been released later and there really is no excuse why they postponed it for over a year. Just lazy, getting drunk of all that money they made from the console slaves. They act like it is a favor to release it for PC as well. :roll:

With over a year of extra development, you can expect the game to be ironed out and with most nasty bugs resolved. It all depends what their internal priorities have been and how individuals within the team do their work. Bug free is an illusion.

Problem is that most of us do not have a clue what it takes to create these games. The amount of work and coding is beyond belief. Finding bugs and fixing them is like finding needles in a haystack sometimes.
A lot of internal en beta testing can generate good feedback and bug reports.
We have seen a lot of different approaches from game companies, when it comes to fixing bugs. And some do have an attitude problem for sure.

Some games, like Dirt3 from Codies, still have game breaking bugs that prevent you from finishing the career mode. Shameful really. Not even fixing that speaks for it self. Bad work ethics.
Others sell their game, promoting bugs as features like Goat Simulator.

Ergo; as long as those responsible for releasing the game, have more dollar signs in their eyes than pride in their work, broken products will continue to be released.
Maybe some law giver can do something about this situation. Like consumers have the right to a good working product (i don't even mention bug free there ;) )
Because right now the Pre-Alpha access virus is common and most games are released in what barely can be called a Beta state. Some games never even leave that state. And this attitude rubs off on other branches as well. Hardware without complete functionality or missing features and go so on.
Creating games is more than just a return on investments.

Rant over. :party:

PS Rockstar can get out of hiding now :lol:
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davejc64 wrote:So Rockstars response to releasing a shoddy product is to give purchasers 1 million in game virtual cash, wow what absolute legends such heroics deserves recognition ! :Facepalmmario:
Well someone read the first sentence and then stopped reading! :lol:
"It would have been better if it was bug free, yes"
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MadManCK wrote: When it comes to the PC release of GTA V, it is almost an insult, because the graphics patches could have been released later and there really is no excuse why they postponed it for over a year. Just lazy, getting drunk of all that money they made from the console slaves. They act like it is a favor to release it for PC as well. :roll:
Could you please explain to me how this is? From what I've seen they've been as good as any other company in the PC release, and couldn't it be that instead of them being too lazy to release the PC version on time they just want to make sure it's bug free? I can name many a multiplat PC game that would have benefited from a delay on PC so they could actually get it working right, something Rockstar seems to have the integrity to do.
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They could have easily chosen to release the game for all platforms at the same time. And release a nice graphics update for the PC later, like many other game companies have done. But instead they went for the quick buck first. Their choice. And afterwards they lied about the PC release. Over a year later than promised for a game that is already finished and running on the consoles. It is more like a slap in the face for PC users.
But that is just my opinion, you don't have to understand or agree :lol:
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