Virulent cheater CRASHES the game for others

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Hi, MadMan!
If you remember last time I asked you to help, you sent a ticket to Atari supported and it worked miracles.
Hopefully this time you can help again.
The thing is there's a huge problem in the game which has been around for quite a while but it has still not been dealt with (even though I filed a complaint a couple of months ago - but totally in vain), namely:
one guy (nickname HOC) doesn't simply cheat (I don't care much for these lot, 'cause they normaly can't race and more often than not stick to themselves), but he somehow HAS THE ABILITY TO CRASH THE GAME FOR ALL OTHERS: he comes to the lobby, plays a game and says "now game crash, bye bye" leaving us with our game crashed (every time after this we need to RESTART the program) and as long as he's around NO ONE IS SAFE - as a matter of fact, he can destroy anybody's game without exception and DOES IT on a regular basis.

Again, as I said before, I don't give a hoot about cheats (there are too many of them and with limited atari staff it's no use trying to chase or punish them, not to mention, they basically don't get in the way), however this guys DOES STAND OUT in that not only is he a cheater, but the only one who makes TDU2 unplayable when he so wishes!!

I believe that this situation has come to a head ('cause lately he's been around way too often, causing daily game crashes) and it must be RESOLVED appropriately at long last! (my strong guess is that termination of his account/eviction from the game is very well in order! If you don't believe me - ask other guys)

So MadMan would you please draw up a ticket for Atarti support in the same manner you did last time to provide them with this information. It's an exceptionally EXASPERATING problem which recently has grown into a constant headache to the majority of players. I would appreciat it a lot. Thanks man!
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You can send Atari a ticket yourself, explaining the situation. I'm aware of these hack n00bs. So are the techs at Atari. But they have never been able to deal with them appropriately.
If you are in a lobby with one of them, use the ingame report system. Also use the report player option in the support ticket section.

There are players who's solely existence in the virtual world is to annoy other players. Unfortunately.


PS All cheaters and lame hackers should be banned. Mattlab (Atari Tech dude) cleaned the (ORC) leaderboards once. Unfortunately the devs did not think the way the CRC and ORC work through very well. They can only be moderated by applying a patch. Individual players can be banned from online play, but they will be back with a new fake ID just as quickly.
I don't know if Atari still bans these hack n00bs, except from the auto-ban system on illegally unlocked DLC content. Maybe they will. 8-)
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Sorry, MadMan, couldn’t answer earlier!

Well, first of all, I did send a ticket to them a couple of months back, but they tagged it as “resolved” very soon without actually doing a thing or anybody human contacting me. In other words the response was automatic, Atari support didn’t lift a finger (and of course I (and many others) did ingame reporting on the bastard quite a number of times but totally in vain).
That’s why I would very much prefer if it were you who would send a Ticket (not least because last time it worked miraculously fast and efficiently:))

Why can’t they ban this scum?? Ok he’ll reinstate the account – fine, but if he engages in this kind of destructive and disruptive behavior – he must be banned again. If the support are indeed operational, I don’t see why it’s a problem? He’s totally unhinged because he feels perfectly safe: he’s now become fully convinced of his eternal impunity and there being no one around to punish him in any way – that’s why he keeps doing this sh.t to people.

But…STOP HIM ONCE – just ONCE – and as all other despicable cowards – he will not try it again – I’m 1000% sure of it.
So again, if you have time – please try and send a ticket to Atari. One account ban (whether he’ll be back or not) is more likely than not is all that’s required: cowards don’t fight back – they shut up and run away when met with resistance. This scum has been meeting none so far – and this is exactly the problem.
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Problem is he is not the only one doing this. There seems to be a tool distributed amongst in game trolls that can do things like this. We were kicked out of a session during a TDUDT cruise as we passed a half sunken car on the edge of a road. Everybody got a CTD. And that was not HOC or whatever his name is.

I do agree with you that action should be taken. But i don't run Atari.
And TBH we can be glad the servers were not shut down earlier last year when Atari went bankrupt.
They have bigger fish to fry ATM.

CRC and ORC are pretty much ruined because of these idiots. We only do private and club challenges. If the CRC can be accessed.
Same goes for ranked races and club races. I havent done those in at least 6 months or so. Too bad as the online part of TDU is what makes it special.

Tickets can be sent, but don't expect miracles from it. I think there are only a very few technical people left there to keep things running. Nothing more.
They were implementing lots of stuff, but those efforts stopped a year ago.


PS There is still the blacklist option. I don't know if this will prevent the CTDs from happening, but it is worth a try.
PC Player Image TDU, GRID, Assetto Corsa, pCars, NCG, The Crew, Dirt, Forza: MadManCK Clubs: TDU2: Luny's Fair Friends (VP-Exec), GRID AS: TDUDT (Pres) DT-Racing Team: Team Leader

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I sure understand that HOC is not the only one, however he’s most certainly THE ONLY ONE I’ve ever personally encountered more than once in quite a while who does it REGULARLY AND ON PURPOSE (we are talking almost daily basis here!) – not just haphazardly or randomly. Hence if possible at all, urgent action is required for the benefit of the entire gaming crowd (other mega-cheats like this stick to themselves and hang around with their likes - but HOC does not, but mixes with non-cheaters instead and has earned the dubious distinction of being universally hated for his constant disruptions)

Given the plight Atari is in, I don’t expect miracles – no, but if YOU send a ticket with this information, at least I’ll know for sure that EVERYTHING that can be done has been done! (and I promise if nothing happens as a result, I won’t hold you responsible -:)) It's all entirely on Atari)

PS: blacklist option unfortunately is useless (if you mean adding a player to the blacklist in the lobby) – doesn’t work
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Hi Trailblazer, I know this can be frustrating but as MadManCK says apart from sending in a ticket there is little else any of us can do.
Atari gave little to no support for this game before the bankruptcy, and when they then removed the forums it was just another nail in the TDU2 coffin. :chores-chopwood:

If it wasn’t for the fact that a few Mods took up the challenge to try and put things right and fix some of the faults with the TDU2UP mod I think a lot of people would have give up on this game a long time ago.
So by all means keep sending report tickets in and maybe, just maybe if they get enough tickets about the same person someone might just sit up and take notice and do something.
In the mean time just try not to let this guy get to you, and more importantly don’t let him see its getting to you because that’s just what he wants, if he doesn’t get any reaction from you he will eventually get bored and move on to annoy someone else (hopefully in another game).
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I have sent Atari an extensive PM. We'll see what happens. There is a chance these more complicated questions will be either skipped or answered with standard BS. But there always is a chance i will get an appropriate answer, like before. :geek:

PC Player Image TDU, GRID, Assetto Corsa, pCars, NCG, The Crew, Dirt, Forza: MadManCK Clubs: TDU2: Luny's Fair Friends (VP-Exec), GRID AS: TDUDT (Pres) DT-Racing Team: Team Leader

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MadManCK wrote:I have sent Atari an extensive PM. We'll see what happens. There is a chance these more complicated questions will be either skipped or answered with standard BS. But there always is a chance i will get an appropriate answer, like before. :geek:

Thanks a ton, MadMan! :rightthumbup: Didn't expect less from you ) :2thumbsup:
Like it or not, but as things are now, you are the last man standing in fighting these scum.
Let's hold our breath and see what comes out of it! My guess is within a few days we'll get a clue
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Bezrider wrote: In the mean time just try not to let this guy get to you, and more importantly don’t let him see its getting to you because that’s just what he wants, if he doesn’t get any reaction from you he will eventually get bored and move on to annoy someone else (hopefully in another game).
Thanks for your concern and "two cents", Bezrider)
But the point is that it's not about me personally - he just goes around crasshing lobbies at will. So it's not a personal feud - it's everybody's powerless hate and anger against a totally unhinged TDU terrorist - yeah, I believe it's the best way to describe what this stinking bastard does!
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They only confirmed what we already expected.

Unfortunately, we do not handle this type of issues on this. Please fill a complete report of this issues and use the "TDU2 Report a Player" category on the ticket submission page.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Atari Customer Support" onclick=";return false;
Basically the same i mentioned earlier.
Funny is how they contradict themselves in a single answer. :eeek:

"Please fill in a complete report, so we can not take action on it" ... :roll:

PC Player Image TDU, GRID, Assetto Corsa, pCars, NCG, The Crew, Dirt, Forza: MadManCK Clubs: TDU2: Luny's Fair Friends (VP-Exec), GRID AS: TDUDT (Pres) DT-Racing Team: Team Leader

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