The 2020 Birthday Giveaway Draw

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Drift King
Drift King
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Ok Guys here is the video of the draw it was done in one take so everyone can see no cheating . :rightthumbup:

Sorry for the poor sound i only have headphone mic. :(

And it does not matter where you come everyone gets a prize.

Draw in revers order:

Can the winner (that's the last name on the wheel please contact me by PM saying what games they want then i will contact the second place winner and so on.

Tier 1: One game
Tier 2: One game
Tier 3: Two games

Then the next winner in the draw will do the same and so on, once everyone has had a go it will repeat till no games are left. :D
This will mean everyone will get 3 games from Tier 1, 3 games from Tier 2 and 6 games from Tier 3
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Drift King
Drift King
Posts: 6161
Joined: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:48 pm
Gender: Male
Location: The Garden of Eden

Games that have already gone will have *****Taken************************* after the name.
So you will know they are now unavailable. ;)

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