Paint's Faded, Hasn't It

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Well, I have not put up my wheel for a few days now. Overplayed this and now catching up on some other games I have or am interested in playing. Still like the game for the world and the cruising but not really anything left to do. All platinum on the skills, bought all the cars and specs, upgraded the cars I care to drive with level 50 parts, have 9.8MM bucks. Lack of any meaningful MMO faction war kind of leaves just cruising. May or may not play again before the next car pack is released, depends if I want to cruise or play something else.

Interestingly enough I have come across a similar situation while researching Elite Dangerous. A huge beautiful looking game but it lacks substance and is plagued with bugs and some poor design choices. Great if you want to head out and explore but much of the rest is still unavailable, released early, incomplete, and buggy. Lots of cheaters playing and many players have opted to play solo or private groups vs open due to that and open PvP with griefers. See in a year if the game gets any better or if it will fade away.

Forum posts have dwindled down, so I am curious how you are all feeling about the state of the game.
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Yeah i agree with you, The Crew is kind of pointless to play once you where done everything there is to do. I haven't really played the game in alittle over a week, The Crew is not nearly as addictive as TDU2 was, but with TDU2 you had a life besides just racing, it's a formula no one seem to be able to recreate.

Plus lately i haven't been happy with the steering feel on my xbox controller, it feels very unconnected and i have tried many setup's, but those only work good for some spec's and for other it is bad. To be honest TDU2 had a more connected xbox controller feel. The funny thing is that The Crew had a great feel when it came out - but it's faded into a unconnected mess.

I don't see this game being able to outlast TDU2's 2-3 years... just my 2 sad cents
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Well I'm in the middle of writing a long review of how I see the game but now this has come up I will put some of what I have to say here.

Two things are stopping me from playing this game one is the stupid way the tuning works in this game, its stupid that you can be driving a perfectly manageable car one minute then win an upgrade install it then all of a sudden your car is un-drivable this is stupid and should not happen.
The other thing is having to grind parts to get every car up to level 1299, I think once you have one car up to this level you should be able to pay to upgrade all your other cars.

I hardly have any cars in the game because of this and although I will still be playing the game from time to time I wont be buying many cars as I cant be arsed to do this with every car I buy.
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Unfortunately, the feeling is mutual.

After i have been World Boss twice, got all skills and missions platinum, the motivation to play has gone a little. There are very little challenges for me left in the game.

The just 4 man crews and the reluctance of the devs to beef that up to at least 8 for cruising is a bit of a downer.
My motivation comes from the achievements and beating broken records. And to do some 4 man crew stuff or help others with their achievements.
The cheaterscores that are still on the leaderboards piss me off. They should have cleaned those at least once a month or week, even if there will be cheaters again as long as the counter measures are not in place. I think the dev team underestimates how that looks to the community.

And a handful of cars and 4 new Faction Missions are not enough to keep it interesting.

An extension of the storyline and better game integration with factions and skill is needed to create some synergy between the different elements of the game. More interaction and constant challenging.

The map is still big and i like to take a car for a cruise on occasion and just drive, world objects off and enjoy the massive game world they created.

I might also have overplayed The Crew a bit in my hunt for World Boss and the 36K daily award.

Also had some catching up to do on other stuff. Busy times right now.

But, like an Austrian/Californian Actor once said: I'll be back :party:

EDIT: Bez, you can buy all L50 tuning parts for other cars in a spec, once you have unlocked them with one car.
And i buy mostly L40 kits for the cars as they drive very good with them. Only the ones i use for competition are tuned to the max or optimized for a specific purpose. And yes, that takes a lot of time to do right.
PC Player Image TDU, GRID, Assetto Corsa, pCars, NCG, The Crew, Dirt, Forza: MadManCK Clubs: TDU2: Luny's Fair Friends (VP-Exec), GRID AS: TDUDT (Pres) DT-Racing Team: Team Leader

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MadManCK wrote:
EDIT: Bez, you can buy all L50 tuning parts for other cars in a spec, once you have unlocked them with one car.
And i buy mostly L40 kits for the cars as they drive very good with them. Only the ones i use for competition are tuned to the max or optimized for a specific purpose. And yes, that takes a lot of time to do right.
Yea I know but still a lot of unnecessary repetitive work in my opinion. :(
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Ditto, but it happened a lot sooner than other peoples boredom did, since I've never been one that's tried to do everything possible in a game before finishing it.
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I stopped playing like a month and a half ago, don't think I'll be coming back either.. there are few other games that I follow that are more suitable for my interests which will keep me playing for a while. The Crew just isn't that game.
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Game needs a few crucial elements:

My Top 10 For A Better Crew Experience
  • Custom Sticker Editor
  • Custom Challenge Editor
  • Custom Radio with own playlist
  • A Club Faction System
  • More direct controller input
  • Real HC mode
  • A Good Photo Mode
  • A Replay Video Mode
  • 8-12 player Crews for Cruising
  • Session Management
PC Player Image TDU, GRID, Assetto Corsa, pCars, NCG, The Crew, Dirt, Forza: MadManCK Clubs: TDU2: Luny's Fair Friends (VP-Exec), GRID AS: TDUDT (Pres) DT-Racing Team: Team Leader

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A meaningful faction system may keep me more interested and make me want to play more but I will still cruise for now. This will replace my cruising in ETS2, never really played the build a truck empire, just cruised.

I have decided to give Elite Dangerous a try even with all of the shortcomings. Have been watching tutorials and reading up on the game, It really does look quite good and the flight system works great. The amount of time I need to relearn flying, ship controls, etc, will keep me quite busy so probably will not hit the road in The Crew until the next car pack. Unpacked my joystick and will be heading to space in a few days. This may end up being my new way to cruise, we'll see.
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MadManCK wrote:Game needs a few crucial elements:

My Top 10 For A Better Crew Experience
  • Custom Sticker Editor
  • Custom Challenge Editor
  • Custom Radio with own playlist
  • A Club Faction System
  • More direct controller input
  • Real HC mode
  • A Good Photo Mode
  • A Replay Video Mode
  • 8-12 player Crews for Cruising
  • Session Management
This is exactly what the game needs, we have all said this on here before but until some of these are implemented in the game all I will be doing is cursing and maybe a little money grinding now and then. :party:
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