The Prepsi project/stickin' it to atari

Test Drive Unlimited 2 Discussion

I have decided to make a mini-documentary about how the players of TDU2 are being treated by atari. This will be shown through several TDU2 veterans saying what they think about atari's treatment of the game. Post your's here or pm your thoughts and i will add it to the documentary/movie and when all the veterans have said their thoughts i will post the video to youtube and send it to atari and when the servers get shutdown we can say 'well we didn't go without a fight'. So what are you waiting for, post or PM you're testimonies!
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You do realize this will do absolutely nothing right?
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sorry, but i see this as a complete waste of your time. they know how they have treated us and don't give a damn whether or not we play the game. they got our money, thats all they wanted. their reputation is trash and they know that too. but obviously they don't care about that either.

If we do fail [which we probably will] we can at least say that we didn't sit there like sheep and take their crap.
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this is a complete waste of time. :text-deletetopic:
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Support! Because everyone else is just sitting around doing this :whistle: while Atari does this :obscene-buttsway: to them...
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Prepsi wrote:If we do fail [which we probably will] we can at least say that we didn't sit there like sheep and take their crap.

in order to give us crap they would have to be smart enough to know how to organize a forum, which is clearly FAR beyond their abilities. they don't even care enough to try to give us any crap. seriously, when you are done you will probably look at it and wonder why you spent any time doing it in the first place.

screw atari, come join Project CARS or give ETS2 a shot. unleash your inner trucker.
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It can be a great asset for stress relief management. But more for yourself than Atari.
It is more a symbolic thing and can be fun also.
Making a joke of it is probably not such a bad idea, although Atari is pretty well capable of making a joke of the company themselves :loll:
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My feeling is that if you are unhappy with the game or the support offered, you should go do something else. Atari isn't forcing anyone to play their game. Personally, I enjoy the game very much despite its drawbacks and try to get in and drive as much as possible. All things are finite in this life, so I just try to enjoy the game while it is available and not worry about getting Atari to 'fix' things. Their past history already indicates how they are going to approach support in this game--one has to either take it or leave it.

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The fact is Atari don't care, they have already got the money from people buying the game, and they have proven that even if they did care they are so dimwitted and moronic that they ain't capable of doing anything about it, and while we are at it lets not forget that bunch of halfwitted retards Eden Games they were so crap at coding the game and more interested in partying and blowing the money, that the game got released in such a poor state in the first place, I agree with the others any kind of protest video will do nothing apart from give those on you tube a bloody good laugh at another blow-hard attention seeker having a rant about nothing important, but hey don't let me put you off go right ahead, I enjoy a good laugh at a you tube videos as much as the next man! :roll:
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