TDU Drivetime moving to new server

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Drift King
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As the title says TDU Drivetime will soon be moving to a new server.

I now rent my own server space for various projects i have going including renting space to other clients that want to host a website (anyone interested message me ;) I am in the middle of designing a website to promote this and it will be live soon. :mrgreen: )

Hopefully in the long term this will reduce running costs for TDU Drivetime and as we have been going for a few years now the database is now quite large and space and bandwidth are what cost money in web land. :mrgreen:

This will also give me more scope to expand the facility's offered by TDU Drivetime some of the ideas i have in mind are things like a game key shop so members can buy keys at discount prices, and maybe a blog page about new and upcoming games.

Also some of you may of noticed ad's now appear on TDU Drivetime this is just an experiment i am running, they may or may not stay. :|
Not quite sure when i will get this move underway but hopefully in the next two weeks or so, will make this post global and keep it updated as things get moving in the mean time anyone has any thing they would like to see added to the site then post away. :D

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Ok move will be happening soon, forum my experience some down time when it happens and you could loose some posts if they are posted as it is going on YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

It is also your responsibility to backup anything important you have saved in PM's etc......
tdudrivetime is not responsible for any loss of data you may have stored on this site. :|

I may take the site off-line if i have problems, if so i will update things on the tdudrivetime twitter page

Copy the address if you need it. ;)

More as and when i get it. :ugeek:
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Site is still propagating on new server this means it is now live on two different servers at the same time. :o

If you get directed to the old server wile this is happening (out of my control) and post something it will be lost when i delete everything on the old server and move to the new one so you have been warned. ;)

No problems so far so....................
Propagation should be complete by 9pm tonight 19/10/19 UK time. :ugeek:
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Ok Tdudrivetime is now fully integrated onto my own server. :D

As far as i can tell no problems found but as always if you find anything then post away.

thanks for your patience during the move next step will be to build a new landing page for the forum so will get on that as soon as i get the time but first i need to get some clients onto my server to help towards costs and to keep Tdudrivetime up and running. :ugeek:

Thanks Guys.
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(everybody should give a)
Big THX to Bez
for keeping this forum running :2thumbsup:
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Do you need some money to keep the site running? I can chip in some... :tdudt:
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All the work you do to keep this running is appreciated. I seldom drop in any more, but wanted to just say thanks since I am here today. :2thumbsup:
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Thanks for the comments guys its appreciated. :rightthumbup:

@ dpuff Thanks for the offer mate but hopefully now i have moved the site to my own server once i get some clients on board using my word press hosting service some of the revenue will go towards the upkeep of Tdudrivetime.

I know i dont get on as much as i would like these days but i will keep the forum going i the hope TDU 3 gets made soon but reading between the lines it is still a long way off. :(

I still have some exiting plans for the forum including a new landing page that will be regularly updated with all the latest gaming news and i am also working on an idea of a Steam Key shop with discounted keys for members only. :o

Once again thanks for the support, Bez :tdudt:
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Just a heads up, site may go off line over the next few days wile i update to private name servers. ;)

It will be back up after a few days it might just need to propagate. :ugeek:
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